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Full on summer mode!!


It’s proper holiday season now I’m guessing? And I have to guess because we are rubbish at holidaying, always have been really! I am so lucky that my other half feels the same way as I do about the whole ‘pack up a suitcase and join the queues in the airport for hours of travelling, living out of a suitcase for a fortnight and doing it all on the return journey’ thing. There – I said it. I’m not keen on holidays…… I a monster??

I like home. I just like being surrounded by my own stuff, familiar and comforting. I like knowing where I am, what the food is like, where I can go if I need something. My goodness – I sound like a real bundle of spontaneous joy don’t I?

We have been on holidays, don’t get me wrong. And we have even enjoyed some of them (haha) but we have never been desperate to get away, needing a change of scenery, longing to experience other cultures. Well, that’s where I should stop saying ‘we’ actually, that’s all me. Him indoors did travel quite a bit before I came on the scene! (Cue the nail biting moments of angst and questioning if I’m ‘holding him back’!!)

As I write all of this, I do wonder if actually I SHOULD want to do these things? Isn’t it human nature to be curious and want to learn more? Does it make us more rounded human beings to learn more about the world around us? I certainly have read that it does, and that travelling is one of life’s great pleasures. Getting out of our comfort zones is a good thing and should be explored more.

How do I know I don’t like it if I’ve never done it? All very good points!

But also, environmentally I don’t want to fly (and my husband is certainly in this camp too!) and am very happy pushing my comfort zones in other ways (blogging counts right?) It’s just who I am, and that’s alright. There are lots of ways that we differ from others, this is just one. I have no issue whatsoever with people who work each day just to earn money to be able to go on holiday. Fabulous, you have a clear purpose and love what you do. I do envy that a little, but not enough to want to go on holiday!!

Our differences are to be celebrated, I think! I absolutely love it when people see me at an event and come over to have a sniff and a test of the variety of blends I have. There are a couple that pretty much everyone likes but some that there are two definite reactions to (can you guess??) The first time someone didn’t like one of them I was mortified and questioned my very existence (extreme, me?) but as time went on it was evident that people are just different. Beautifully different. We like different things and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just like some people like a hot beach break and some don’t.

We do sometimes holiday in the UK – funny story though, last year we went to Cornwall. It was huge deal to book it up, it felt like it cost an absolute bomb (how to people afford a foreign holiday every year?) but that’s probably because we aren’t used to paying for them, hehe! In the lead up to the impending week away, we started to get a bit anxious about the whole thing. Who would know if we just didn’t go? It was all paid for, the money was already gone, so what would it matter if we just stayed home? It is such a long way, we would be in the car for hours on end (even the thought of snacks didn’t make it okay, what’s that all about??)

But we decided to do it anyway, let’s be ‘normal’ for a change and see how it feels…and it was a really lovely break. We had the cutest little house on the sea front, there was a fabulous harbour, a great pub and the best cafe for breakfast, smoothies and ice cream just up the road! We had one rainy afternoon but we stayed in and read books and drank wine. It was really blissful.

The funny bit was the day before we were due to leave and we were reflecting on our holiday that we had waited 8 years for. Well, not really waited for, it’s just that it was 8 years since our last one (cringes waiting for judgement). We sat chatting about what a wonderful week we had just experienced and how lovely the location was, how blue the sea had been etc. Then we looked at each other and said, almost simultaneously, “But we wouldn’t want to do it every year though would we?”

A match made in heaven wouldn’t you agree?

See you next time!

Love and light,

Sam x

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Picture of Sam Thornton

Sam Thornton

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