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Another month rolls by – life can seem a bit of a treadmill sometimes can’t it? I have definitely felt that in the past. But I have recently realised that I am in control of my life, no-one else. So I’ve started to be a bit braver with things. I have put my face all over the place, trying to get a little more visibility for my business, this blog included! (Yes, that’s me being silly, quel surprise!)

I have been so scared for so long about doing anything just in case I fail. But doing nothing at all is the biggest fail I think. So what if whatever I tried didn’t work? Would anyone notice, and what if they did? You’ll have all heard me say it before – the world will still turn!

So I am starting to learn more about my area of expertise, learn more about business and I am determined more than ever to create the life of my dreams. And I deserve to, as do you. I don’t think it will be easy and I think I will have wobbles along the way (hello yesterday!) but the ultimate pay off will be so worth it.

So what does the life of my dreams look like? That’s the tricky part – I don’t really know to be fair. But I do know what it will feel like!

It feels inherently good, it feels like I’m happy to be alive (not that I’m not that right now of course, but I mean really good – like the sun on your face or floating in beautifully clear warm water, the feel of warm dry grass on your bare feet or being curled up on the sofa in front of the fire with your favourite person in the world) That kind of feeling properly fills you up and is almost tangible. My life will feel easy and I will live it with purpose.

I will feel in sync with those around me and be at complete peace with who I am and what I do. I’m not too far off that now but it’s still a work in progress, maybe it always will be?

It feels inherently good, it feels like I’m happy to be alive (not that I’m not that right now of course, but I mean really good – like the sun on your face or floating in beautifully clear warm water, the feel of warm dry grass on your bare feet or being curled up on the sofa in front of the fire with your favourite person in the world) That kind of feeling properly fills you up and is almost tangible. My life will feel easy and I will live it with purpose.

I will feel in sync with those around me and be at complete peace with who I am and what I do. I’m not too far off that now but it’s still a work in progress, maybe it always will be?

Oh my – that all got a bit deep didn’t it, I surprised myself a bit there! But I bet that resonated with a lot of you, even if the goal is a bit different. I think it’s good to want more, to have direction in life as long as you don’t forget to appreciate where you are now and how far you have come. I still can’t believe I am over a year into my own business (full time) – how did that happen?

Some of it, if I am brutally honest, I have drifted through, just hoping something will happen. Boy, was that a wake up call when it didn’t! So now, at least some of the paragraphs above are coming true – I am definitely living with a little more purpose and direction. It feels good to know what I am aiming for, even if it is still a little bit fuzzy round the edges.

If I look back to the girl I was I would never have dreamed I would be where I am now. I left school with nothing really, except a little resentment for all those who had a great time there and went on to college, whilst I still wasn’t quite strong enough mentally or physically to finish (I did start!)

Yet, here I am. Amazing husband, fantastic kids, nice house and my own business. My word – what a lucky girl I am.

I’d love to know if any of this resonates with you – get in touch and let me know!

The next blog is going to be a bit different – it’s rather mega if I’m honest with you! I got in touch with lots of other people about wellness and and how they promote it in their lives and businesses. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed pulling it together!

Love and light,

Sam xx

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Picture of Sam Thornton

Sam Thornton

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